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The Historyscoper's World News Blog

Thursday, December 3, 2015


For several months Google has been running some kind of robot software that scans all the blogs it hosts on blogger.com and blogspot.com and summarily deletes them along with all posts, and locks the owner out from even accessing them.  All it provides the owner is a message informing them that their entire blog is "spam", along with a button to push to request a manual review, which includes more mumbo jumbo about the Terms of Service. Too bad, when you push the button the review often never happens, and in 20 days the blog with all its posts, comments, etc. is deleted forever. If there is a review it is usually accompanied with an apology for deleting your blog by mistake.

With me, they deleted at least a dozen blogs in a few days.  As you must know, they're all like this one, blogs listing daily articles on some political or social topic along with links to read them. They are a result of my intensive intellectual labor and nobody else on the Net can duplicate them, which is why I get viewers from around the globe daily including leading universities, think tanks, and govt. organizations.  That's spam?  They're propagating knowledge to support political views, and as such they're totally protected by law and can never be in violation of anybody's terms of service.  One blog, the New Age Watch Blog had almost a million page views, but when they failed to review it it's now gone forever.  This is an outright crime, a violation of the U.S. govt.'s terms of service so to speak, starting with the CAN SPAM Act, which specifically protects political campaigns from being called or treated like spam.

They finally went too far by deleting this blog listing articles about FREEDOM OF SPEECH.  Google has earned the name of infamy forever for this.  Can it be traced to the top brass, or just some criminal or incompetent employees.  Since there has been no apology or any sign of action, the top brass must be held accountable.

But they restored this blog so why complain?  Because it's now been deleted TWICE. Yes, that's right, after apologizing and restoring it once, they turned around and did it again.

Who runs Google?  Do they think they're above the law?  Lucky for me I long ago began hosting my blogs elsewhere, and I recommend all who read this to do the same for their own protection.

But it's about Google's whole operation.

What kind of outfit would create and run software that deletes entire blogs automatically? Why doesn't it just flag them and inform their operators, who must manually delete them and take personal responsibility for the decisions?  How can an entire blog be "spam"? I suppose spammers could create a blog and fill it full of links to ads, but mine are full of links to articles, not ads.  They don't even flag individual posts and delete only them, they delete whole blogs, destroying all the work one has done.  They don't even give a warning that it's subject to being deleted and hold off until the owner's appeal is settled, they act first and make you appeal second. When they don't even act on the appeal their software automatically deletes the blog forever in 20 days, how abusive. There should be no way to do that until an appeal has been ruled on and somebody takes personal responsibility that can be taken to court.

Personal responsibility.  That's Google's crime.  Why doesn't the govt. shut them down and prosecute?  Funny, but then they would get all the benefit of the due process of law they deny their users.

They clearly don't care about their users, only their paying advertisers.  This is the nightmare of too much power in too few hands, when some computer geeks set up some software then attracts so many users they become a de facto monopoly, and abuse their power to keep getting more money.

If I were running a different blog hosting site, I'd inform people of Google's abuses and use it to steal users.  Let's hope.

--T.L. Winslow
Dec. 3, 2015

Their last message on my appeal to restore a blog on FREE SPEECH that they DELETED with AUTOMATED ROBOTS:

Hello, We have received your appeal regarding your blog http://historyscoper-freespeech-watch.blogspot.com/. Upon further review we have determined that your blog was mistakenly marked as a TOS violator by our automated system and, as such, we have reinstated your blog. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused in the meantime and thank you for your patience as we completed our review process. Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, The Blogger Team